Current train positions and statistics of long-distance trains in Germany, Austria, BeNeLux, Italy, Denmark and Slovenia.
Live Tracker: Train tracking, position display and current delays of long distance trains in Central Europe.
Zugfinder offers statistics on delays, train cancellations and stops for all German long-distance trains and numerous long-distance trains in Central Europe.
On these pages you will find the current positions of long-distance trains in Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Denmark, the Netherlands, Italy and high-speed trains in Luxembourg and Belgium, the Eurostar as well as the positions of regional and long-distance trains on numerous German railway lines.
In addition, all collected delay data from the past are available for long-distance trains, so that train delays can be viewed retrospectively, as well as delay forecasts to find clues for the next train journey: With the help of the train search the data of the last 30 days can be viewed (with Zugfinder Pro also up to 2 years).
You can also check connection reliability when changing trains between two journeys and historical arrival tables for European mainline stations!
Top 5 delays yesterday
train no. | delay | |
1. WB 952 |
+363 min.
2. IC 1022 |
+240 min.
3. EN 1152 |
+220 min.
4. ICE 540 |
+190 min.
5. FLX 1244 |
+169 min.
punctuality yesterday
train type | on time |
IC |
IR |
FR |